STUDIO space
& Capabilities
These are the things we can do at our Studio!
Video PRoduction Studio Rentals
In addition to the high-quality video production, photography, and creative design services, we can also offer a full production studio located in Sarasota, Florida.

Our turn key green screen can be ready in just minutes. Deploying our green screen is quick and efficient . Careful attention to lighting is the key to a great “key” let us be your solution for green screen production.

From c stands to dollies to 18-foot jib arms HMI lighting, LED Astras, Kinos, Arri Sky Panels , 4K HMIs, Quasars, Generators, 2.5 ton grip trailer. We have what you need.

Need to to do some high fashion or any other production on white? Our sweeping 24’ Hard CYC makes for a great look, with 6000 watts of installed CYC lighting we will have you up and running in no time.